Sample Portfolio
- Advanced capacity building for Madagascar’s National Nutrition Organization (ONN) and Ministry of Health in full-cycle human-centered design methods in order to address complex root causes of child and infant malnutrition. In this three-year, World Bank funded engagement, we trained three multi-disciplinary teams of physicians, nutritionists, psychiatrists, communication specialists, trainers (of front-line health workers), and technologists. Three national solutions demonstrated positive impacts in prototypes, and were in multi-regional pilots at the end of Tangerine Lab’s engagement.
- Formative research in Madagascar, focused on infant, child, and maternal health and nutrition behaviors for FHI360’s Alive and Thrive, a leading global nutrition initiative for infants, children and mothers. We uncovered twenty nine (29) key findings. They covered diverse themes on beliefs, barriers, opportunities and behaviors related to prenatal care, nutrition and childbirth, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, and a myriad of other cultural factors that impact maternal, child and infant nutrition and health. These findings are now used as the foundations for FHI360’s work in Madagascar.
- Human-centered advisors to the World Bank Health, Nutrition and Population Global Practice and its client countries in healthcare system delivery redesign (SDR) efforts in Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Niger, Pakistan, Bangladesh, DRC, India, and Laos.
- A comprehensive customer experience transformation roadmap for FINCA International, a pioneering microfinance, and economic inclusion institution. The roadmap served as the foundation for the strategic growth of a global network of community banks under the umbrella of FINCA Impact Finance, a double bottom-line global network of 20 community-based financial institutions.
- Full cycle capacity building for FINCA Impact Finance Kyrgyzstan in service design for their fintech and conventional financial products.
- HCD capacity building, formative research, and customer experience (CX) strategy roadmap for FINCA Impact Finance in Jordan and Uganda to serve the poorest individuals and households that are left behind by the finance sector.
- The digital experience strategy for Catholic Charities of Baltimore and their volunteer, donor and client experiences.
- A people-centered business model redesign for PartnerHero, a global BPO.
- The human-centric digital creative processes for Public Broadcasting Service that serve an on-demand content consumption model.
- The digital strategy for business operations of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel, one of the largest global steel manufacturers in Russia.
- Go to market and distribution strategy for Cool Planet, a green tech startup in Colorado and Mexico.